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Malaysia's Sunview Group increases investment in Winstar Aluminium, securing a 30% stake

2023年12月24日 18:48:20 铝云汇
Sunview Group Bhd, a key player in the renewable energy sector, has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Vafe System Sdn Bhd, has increased its stake in Winstar Aluminium Manufacturing Sdn Bhd to 30 per cent. This expansion involves the acquisition of a 10 per cent share from Mestron Holdings Bhd for a total of RM6.0 million.

Let's hear what the CEO says
Ong Hang Ping, the Executive Director and CEO of Sunview has approved the company establishing a cost-effective supply chain for locally sourced aluminium mounting structures. These structures will be seamlessly integrated into the solar photovoltaic system.
The CEO added, "To address the cost increase, we are taking proactive measures through our partnership with Winstar. We are optimistic that a higher stake in Winstar will be advantageous, given Winstar's promising prospects in the future."
Ong emphasised the crucial role of the solar industry's rapid expansion in mitigating potential cost escalations, particularly in the face of expected rises in both aluminium prices and freight charges.
Ong further added, "Our commitment remains steadfast as we strive to shape a cleaner, more eco-conscious energy landscape, fostering environmental responsibility and cultivating a sustainable future which contributes to the overall national growth agenda."
"The abundance of possibilities ahead fills us with confidence that, collectively, we can make a lasting and positive impact both locally and globally."
Winstar specialises in the aluminium sector
Winstar specialises in manufacturing, fabricating, processing, and selling aluminium, metal, and alloy products. With a 21-year track record in the aluminium manufacturing sector, the company operates production facilities situated on a six-acre site in Ijok, Selangor.
Global Aluminium Industry Outlook 2024
In its forthcoming industry-focused report titled "Global Aluminium Industry Outlook 2024," AL Circle highlights the renewable energy sector's prominent position as one of the key demand-driving forces for aluminium. Are you interested in learning more about aluminium's primary demand-driving sector in 2024 and other important information and projections? Pre-order the report today!


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