铝云汇 铝业资讯 正文

AMAG Austria Metall AG strengthens leadership team with Dr Helmut Kaufmann as CEO and Claudia Trampitsch as CFO

2023年11月23日 08:57:36 铝云汇
During its November 22, 2023 session, the Supervisory Board of AMAG Austria Metall AG announced the appointment of Dr Helmut Kaufmann (60) as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective January 1, 2024. Dr Kaufmann will continue in his role as Chief Operating Officer (COO) concurrently. This transition marks the succession of the current CEO, Gerald Mayer, who is set to depart the company on December 31, 2023. Dr Kaufmann's contractual term is standard, spanning three years and concluding on December 31, 2026.

Simultaneously, Claudia Trampitsch (46) has been designated as the incoming Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of AMAG Austria Metall AG following the approval of the Supervisory Board during today's meeting. Mrs Trampitsch, who has served as the Head of Group Accounting at AMAG since 2015 and assumed the role of commercial Managing Director of AMAG Metal GmbH in 2018, brings a wealth of experience to her new position. As a lawyer, tax consultant, and auditor, Claudia Trampitsch has a background in esteemed auditing firms. Her Management Board contract will commence on January 1, 2024, and extend until December 31, 2026.
Herbert Ortner, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AMAG Austria Metall AG, said, "With Helmut Kaufmann, we have had a very experienced manager on the AMAG Management Board for 16 years, who has played a key role in shaping the strategic development of the company as COO. The additional appointment as CEO emphasises the continuity and stability in the company's further development. It also confirms that the positioning as a premium provider of speciality products remains the focus of AMAG's strategy. With the appointment of Claudia Trampitsch, we have also succeeded in gaining a competent and experienced CFO who has been with the company since 2015. With her extensive expertise, Mrs. Trampitsch will continue to ensure the solid financial position of AMAG."
Helmut Kaufmann, COO and designated CEO of AMAG Austria Metall AG, said, "I am delighted to have been appointed CEO of AMAG and to have received the trust of the Supervisory Board. My clear target is that together, as an experienced AMAG team, we will meet future challenges in the best possible way and further expand the importance of innovation and sustainability. In my dual role as CEO and COO, I remain highly motivated to implement customer-centred product solutions and, at the same time, enable technological change towards CO2-neutral production. With Claudia Trampitsch, the stable Management Board team of AMAG is successfully completed, and ideal conditions are created for a sustainably successful corporate development."
Effective January 1, 2024, the Management Board of AMAG comprises Helmut Kaufmann as CEO and COO, Claudia Trampitsch as CFO, and Victor Breguncci as CSO.


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