铝云汇 铝业资讯 正文

Green Project: Driving metal marking and reading systems on a global scale

2023年07月07日 08:53:48 铝云汇
Green Project Srl, established in 1995 in Genoa by a team of experts from a prominent Italian steelmaking company, is a global frontrunner in the provision of automated marking and reading systems for the metal industry. With a vast network of over 500 installations worldwide and comprehensive service support, Green Project Srl has emerged as a trusted and highly proficient international leader in its specialized domain.

A crucial advantage of Green Project lies in its ability to provide a reliable and prompt support service for its products, which plays a vital role in ensuring operational efficiency, especially in continuous production facilities. This capability effectively meets the fundamental requirement of every client.
Green Project, either directly or via certified local representatives, provides global coverage for assistance services, spare parts, and consumables. Green Project specializes in manufacturing an extensive selection of high-performance paint/ink marking systems suitable for both hot and cold metal items, capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 1100°C. Its cutting-edge solutions are designed to meet even the most rigorous demands, offering exceptional legibility, swift marking, unwavering reliability, and minimal maintenance requirements.

Ink technology utilizes matrices of ink dots to create notable characters, distinguishing it from the TEMA marking technology, which relies on air spray. Instead, ink is dispensed through a series of dots propelled by multiple nozzles or a single nozzle using an electromagnetic field. This unique characteristic makes the Ink technology ideal for high-speed marking requirements, such as thin metal strips, beams, and pipes emerging from rolling mills. The outcome is an outstanding quality marking, particularly striking when applied to sleek and shiny metal surfaces. However, it is not suitable for rough surfaces.
In today's production processes, tracking products throughout their entire life cycle is crucial. The primary focus is implementing integrated systems that automatically mark and reading identification codes. Green Project excels in providing comprehensive solutions, beginning with identifying system requirements in collaboration with the client, all the way through to the setup and activation of the devices. The automatic reading systems developed by Green Project are designed to accurately decode various symbols, including letters, numbers, and mono/bi-dimensional codes, which are marked using their own machines.

Green Project offers a wide range of cutting-edge technologies for marking long-cast products such as billets, blooms, and beam blanks. Its selection process allows customers to prioritize their preferences based on factors such as marking durability, readability from a distance, system reliability, and ease of automatic recognition. The marking specialist provides various options, including stamping, tagging/labelling, paint, powder, and metal spray, ensuring customers can choose the most suitable marking solution that meets their specific requirements.


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