铝云汇 铝业资讯 正文


2020年03月12日 06:11:30 中国地质调查局

  据矿业周刊消息,澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市的澳大利亚特拉康姆资源公司(TerraCom Ressources)正在大举收购非洲铝土矿项目,该公司已签署了收购英国盎格鲁-非洲矿业有限公司(Anglo African Minerals,AAM)的协议。


  储量7000万吨的FAR项目(Forward African Resource)、储量4.5亿吨的索马卢项目(Societe Miniere d'Alumine,Somalu)、储量8.65亿吨的图巴尔项目(Tougue Bauxite and Alumina Corporations,Toubal)。

  澳大利亚特拉康姆资源公司(TerraCom Ressources)向股东表示,公司前期将重点开发FAR项目,该项目邻近铁路,方便出口与物资供应。预计前13~16个月,初始产能为300万吨/年,在之后的12个月里,提升产能至500万吨/年。


  澳大利亚特拉康姆资源公司(TerraCom Ressources)简介TerraCom Ressources Limited

  TerraCom Limited (ASX : TER), has operating mines in Mongolia and Queensland, Australia with plans to expand into the global energy and resources market.

  Terracom’s focus is on growth – from project development, acquisitions and further cementing its recent Mongolian success at the Baruun Noyon Uul (BNU) coking coal mine in the South Gobi region.

  TerraCom’s executive team has a global remit. It has offices in Australia, Mongolia and representation in Asia. It’s executive team are located in the major coal mining regions of Australia, as well as Mongolia.

  TerraCom’s senior team has over 150 years experience in Australia, Asia, Africa, North and South America. They have a strong track record in exploration, project development and delivering effective transitions from acquisitions to performing operations, that achieve operational excellence.

  Terracom is a young company with deep experience driving it. This experience comes from working in the world’s largest mining houses across the worlds vast geographies. We believe that an entrepreneurial approach working to high standards of corporate responsibility will bring success to TerraCom, its shareholders, stakeholders and employees.

  TerraCom has JORC 2004/2012 compliant resources in excess of 2.4 billion tonnes (Bt).


  TerraCom Limited

  Blair Athol Mine Access Road

  PO Box 131

  Clermont QLD 4721

  ASX-listed TerraCom is continuing its acquisition spree in Africa, with the company signing a binding term sheet for the acquisition of bauxite developer Anglo African Minerals (AAM).

  AAM’s bauxite resources are located in the Republic of Guinea, consisting of three development projects, including the 70-million-tonne Forward African Resource (FAR) project, the 450-million-tonne Societe Miniere d’Alumine (Somalu) project, and the 865-million-tonne Tougue Bauxite and Alumina Corporations (Toubal) project.

  TerraCom told shareholders on Monday that the company’s initial focus would be on the development of the FAR project, which is situated in close proximity to existing rail infrastructure, allowing for the completion of an export supply chain. The project is expected to be in production at an initial rate of three-million tonnes a year, between 13 and 16 months from the start of development activities, increasing to five-million tonnes a year over the subsequent 12 months.

  “This is a very sensible deal for TerraCom shareholders and endorses our entry into Africa to further diversify our geographic and commodity base through an exciting and highly rewarding emerging market sector,” said TerraCom chairperson Wal King.

  The acquisition of AAM is subject to customary conditions precedent, including a due diligence and regulatory approvals. In return for an exclusivity period until the end of August this year, TerraCom has agreed to pay a $500 000 refundable deposit over all the AAM assets.

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